Feeling some way?
A popular saying in Ghana is, “I feel some way…” My question is, “What way do you really feel?” About life? About you? Yes, let’s begin with you. Your view of yourself will certainly colour the way you see the world and those around you. What you must realise is there are three different views of you.
God’s view, the view of others and finally, your view of yourself. The views of others can have a profound effect on our opinion of ourselves. Experiences (negative or positive), the response of others to you, words spoken to you or about you can impact your view of yourself, which then affects your thoughts, words and actions in any given situation.
For instance, if you were told repeatedly that you would never amount to anything, based on how you view yourself you could believe it, affect your efforts and forfeit your dreams. However, if you have another opinion of yourself, you will pursue your dreams with diligence! This is where the God factor comes in to balance your perspective about you in the face of others’ negativity and the ongoing circumstances of life.
Regardless of what others think of you or even what your repeated experiences have whispered to your heart, God has the last say about you. He created you. He loves you. He sees you as a good thing! Who are you to refute the Creator of the universe? Not only are you a good thing, you are valuable – priceless in fact! He placed the highest value on you by paying the ultimate price – life for life – the life of His only Son, Jesus. You are so priceless that God has even numbered the hairs on your head! Like a curator who notes every single detail about the things he stores and displays, God has taken total note of you.
You, my friend, are fearfully and wonderfully made. If the God of the universe holds His breath in reverent wonder at the sight of you, His creation, how much more should you have a healthy appreciation of His creation? That would be you! It’s not about you, it’s about Him in you; who He created you to be. And who He passionately determined to focus on perfecting; that is if we allow Him.
The word of God tells us that it is only in Christ that we discover who we are and why we are here. Purpose has a lot to do with our self-esteem. You need to know that you are necessary. That you have lasting impact on the world through your words and actions. You get to decide and master the legacy you wish to leave behind. Can you do it? Of course, because you can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you. With this in mind, you face the challenges of life from a positive viewpoint. From an attitude of “I will because I can”. Why? Because of Who backs you. All the pressure is off you! If all you have to rely on is you, the end result is that you will quickly cave in. You can only run on your own steam without help for so long. But when God has your back, you cannot and will not fail. In life, in love, in professional pursuits, in whatever you focus on, follow His instruction in full confidence that you can do and have what you apply yourself to with His help.
Consider what God says about you and internalise it. Own it. Walk in it. You have a right to feel good about yourself and what you have to offer to others. You have a right to love and be loved. To dream and excel at your dreams. To attract favour and stand before great men. To dare to be who you were created to be. To break cycles of disappointment and failure by mastering your attitude and responses. How do we do that? By ignoring the external voices and listening to the internal voice who will always affirm you! It’s not about being arrogant or egotistical. It is simply about celebrating the workmanship of God – again that would be you! You have permission to admire, appreciate and celebrate the work of art that you are. Divinely handcrafted to affect the world positively. And that my friend is the only way that you should feel.
Written by:
Michelle McKinney Hammond
Bestselling author, speaker, singer and visionary of Relevance, a ministry dedicated to taking the church beyond the walls.
Source: Glitz Africa Living issue 20