With New York Fashion Week on the horizon, we’re currently on high alert for potential It items. Every season has a few, and in recent years, at least one of them is inevitably a pair of Gucci shoes, all starting with its fur-lined Princetown slippers.

As you know, recent years have seen the rise of two equally effortless shoe styles: mules and pool slides, both of which Gucci fully embraced. So it should come as no surprise that the brand finally opted to combine the two trends into one shoe, WhoWhatWear.com calls them mulides.

The mulides, which vaguely resemble Birkenstock clogs, are actually called River Mules, and we’re confidently predicting that due to the popularity of the shoe trends they’re inspired by, they could very well be spring’s new Gucci It shoes.
Source: whowhatwear.com