Recent news get gloomier by the day. If it’s not about the alarming death rates of the novel virus around the world, then it’s about the added thousands of cases added to the already huge number of infected persons. It’s like any attempt to watch the news is an invitation to having a panic attack.
For the fainthearted, you would want something to take your mind away from all that and keep your heart and mind in a calm mood. Why not start a gratitude journal?
Whether or not writing is your thing, journaling can help you reflect on the ‘little’ gifts you may have taken for granted in life. When you realise how important it is to have the people and the things you possess in your life, it will go a long way in ensuring that you appreciate and protect them.
So you know that pretty little book you’ve had for some time now that you’ve never come around to using yet? Perhaps it’s time to pull it out now.
Just think of one thing a day and write about how important it is you and how glad you are to have it in your life. Write about both the big and small things. Thank God for the people in your life and consider yourself blessed with the things you own.
You’re not writing for anyone so feel free to pour your heart out on the paper. This practice will make you feel better about the times we are in and keep your spirits up.