Media icon, Oprah Winfrey is the cover girl of the August Vogue issue. In a one-on-one interview with writer, Decca Aitkenhead the icon opens up about her experience at the Royal wedding months back, #METOO and the rumored news about her contesting for the 2020 US presidential elections.
Oprah has been eyed by many to run for presidency, but following her powerful speech at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards, the thought of many rooting for her to run for office heightened. The Vogue August cover girl, however has a different view to politics. She said,
“In that political structure all the non-truths, the b.s, the crap, the nastiness, the backhanded backroom stuff that goes on – I feel like I could not exist. I would not be able to do it. It’s not a clean business. It would kill me”.
Winfrey goes on to explain how she squares her spirituality and self-help advocacy with the #METOO and Time’s Up movements. “People talk about these are such dark times, but what if we shift the paradigm? Because I see it differently. I see, isn’t this remarkable that we’re waking up? For years, women have endured craziness. This is what’s happening to people. They’re allowing themselves to not just become corroded, but to become hysterical. You’ve got to lean to the happiness”.
In regards to her Royal wedding appearance last month, Winfrey shared her takeaway from the day.
“It left me feeling that anything is possible through the power of love. Reverend Curry was right!”, said Winfrey.