The lyrics of every song has a message the artist is trying to project out there. Music by far has become a popular channel through which disturbing issues in society, daily experiences, historical facts and the more are publicized. An artiste may decide to write a song about a love experience he or she has had in real life or something he or she has witnessed of someone else’s experience.
Many a times you hear a single released by your favorite music act and you suddenly relate to the lyrics of the song because you’ve either experienced it in person or someone close to you has. This love for the lyrics heightens your emotions in anticipation for the release of the video.
Finally, the video is been released, you rush to go and get a glimpse of it, but to your surprise you end up been disappointed with the whole story line of the video. The content of the video just makes you lose interest in the song. Why? The video and lyrics are depicting two different things altogether. This makes the whole issue the artiste is trying to bring out there lose its focus and eventually the attention it would have gained, dwindles.
Over the years sensational acts in music have produced colorful videos for their songs, which have gained millions of views on YouTube and eventually scoring No.1. The ‘But’ factor comes in when the video does not relate to the lyrics.
Some have proven to be masters of their craft in terms of shooting the right content videos, but others are crawling behind and always produce a one way style video. Popular among them are videos with girls dancing left and right from start to end, whiles the lyrics of the song is talking about hunger, gratitude or admiration for someone special.
From a gentleman meeting a lady at the market and trying to convince her for a number to a cowboy in an unknown land, we take an analytic look at some Ghanaian music videos that really matches with the lyrics of the song.
Mzvee, Come and See My Moda
Come and See My Moda tells a story about a young Ghanaian girl, who goes to the market and meets charming young man who persuades her for her number. Per the virtues she has been taught at home, she refuses the request of the man and tells him with the phrase ‘Come and See MY Moda’. Lyrically, it tells how a lady shouldn’t submit to the deceptive words of a man on first meetings. Video wise, it projects how the lady was able to lure the man into marriage with her rigid excuse me attitude.
Streaming up to 3,999,663 views on YouTube since January of its release. Mzvee feat. Yemi Alade Come and See MY MODA video, which stars actors Chris Attoh and Akrobeto is a real reflection of the lyrics of the song.
Stonebwoy, Tomorrow
Award-winning Dancehall artiste, Stonebwoy teams up with A Letter from Adam actress, Lydia Forson to release visuals for his Tomorrow single, which revolves around a hustler’s life, which regardless the change in circumstance of wealth someday would still need the lover by his side. When one listens to the song first and later watches the video, the emotions and thoughts that run inside you are still kept intact 100%.
Kwabena Kwabena, Kyere Wo Do
Kyere Wo Do by Kwabena Kwabena ft. Joojo stars renowned Ghanaian actors Ama K. Abebrese and Adjetey Annan. The storyline centers on a couple going through hard times in life financially, but still manages to keep each other happy. On the long run, a rich man comes into their life. Maame Fosua played by Ama, upon seeing the money leaves the husband, Agya Addo played by Adjetey for the rich man, Mr. Smith. She realises that the man is already married. She finally decides to come back to her husband, who is by the way now wealthy.
The lyrics of the song, which portrays how lack of money can cause people have second doubts about love. The concept, direction and flashbacks captured in the video undoubtedly equals the lyrics of the song.
Shatta Wale Gringo
In a land filled with crooks and gamblers with only one ruler, Old snake eye, there walks in a black cow boy, who at the end of the video changes the entire ruler ship in the unknown town by killing the most fearful man of the town, Old snake eye. The lyrics of the song begins with the line “Shadout to my Gringo”, which introduces listeners to the invasion of a foreigner, who has come to stay. Just as the video direction goes, so does the lyrics.