‘Once Upon a Time In Hollywood’ star, Leonardo DiCaprio is offering a supportive hand to Amazon Rain Forest with $5 million, following the alarming surge of fires the forest suffered from.
The donation to-be-made by DiCaprio and his team will be shared amongst five local organizations; Instituto Associacao Floresta Protegida (Kayapo), Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB), Instituto Kabu (Kayapo), Instituto Raoni (Kayapo) and Insttuto Socioambiental (ISA), all registered under the organization’s Amazon Forest Fund.
According to the fund’s website, more than 72,000 fires have been reported by Brazil’s National Institute for Research (INPE), a stark increase from last year’s 40,000 fires, which can largely be attributed to an unprecedented surge in deforestation by cattle operations and feed crops.
Turning his social media handles into a bonafied catalog of addressing environmental issues, DiCaprio forms part of the 3-member founders of Earth Alliance including Laurene Powell Jobs and Brian Sheth, working to protect ecosystems and wildfire, and also ensuring climate justice, support renewable energy and secure indigenous rights.