Any lady who is intent on having long and healthy looking hair knows it is no easy job. It could get very frustrating when the hair starts breaking and falling off every moment you run the comb through it. When you see it discoloring and the ends growing weak, you find yourself contemplating whether to chop it off and start afresh. We’ve all been there before. But thankfully, there’s a solution to your hair growth woes. It comes off as a flavoring spice but it does wonders for your hair and health as well: GINGER!
Nature has a way of solving all of our human problems and that is why we want to share some of nature’s wonders with you in this post. Some of the ways ginger helps with hair growth include the following;
- Prevents hair loss
A fresh ginger root contains nutrients like magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and vitamins which nourish your hair follicles, making them strong and preventing hair loss.
- Controls dandruff
Dandruff eventually leads to hair loss. This happens because the dead skin cells first clog your follicles, leading to the hair falling off. Ginger has potent antimicrobial properties that help control dandruff and in turn, reduces hair loss.
- Tackles dryness
Dryness causes hair to become brittle which leads to breakage. Ginger acts as a natural conditioner, tackling dryness by restoring moisture to your hair.
- Improves blood flow
Ginger has an active ingredient called gingerol which helps relax blood vessels and thereby improves the blood circulation. This allows for the improved nourishment of hair follicles, ensuring faster hair growth.
- Nourishes Hair With Fatty Acids
Ginger also contains chains of fatty acids such as linoleic acid which nourish your hair, keeping it strong and looking healthy.
So do well to add some ginger to your foods or you could prepare some ginger paste with either garlic, moringa, onions, coconut oil and apply to your scalp for a few minutes and wash off.
Source: stylecraze.com