Briefly introduce yourself.
My name is Kwame Annom Amfo-Akonnor. I’m 22, an entrepreneur and a final year Business Administration student.
Why did you consider being a chef?
I love food. Growing up, my family had a high appreciation for homemade food so we barely ate out. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mother hence developing a lot of interest in cooking. It’s been a childhood dream to own and run a chain of fine dining restaurants so I decided to start small and that’s what I have been up to.
Why the name Biishville, what does it mean?
Biishville. Because my cooking revolves around homemade food and families sitting together to enjoy a good meal, biishville came out of a combination of two words BISH (bishops, which is a nick name) and VILLE (town/house) so bishops house/town.
Don’t you sometimes feel embarrassed being a chef, don’t you get mocked?
Never embarrassed. I love cooking, it’s a passion. No need to be embarrassed. I haven’t had any experience where people mocked me for being a chef.
How’s your kitchen like and how would you define a perfect kitchen?
My kitchen is very peaceful, small and well-equipped. I love the atmosphere in there. That’s my zone. I’d define a perfect kitchen as a serene space where food can be made without any distractions.
What’s your favorite kitchen tool(s)?
Favorite kitchen tool would definitely be my knives.
Who taught you how to cook, how did it all start?
I learnt a lot of things from my mother by watching her and I have also read a lot of culinary books.
What’s your favorite dish (es) to cook?
Favorite dishes to cook are sauces, and my favorite food-rice balls and groundnut soup.
What is your definition of a healthy meal and what should/does a healthy meal consists of?
A healthy meal is one that consists of foods/ingredients from all food groups. A balance of nutrients. Also, proportions really matter when eating healthy.
How do you work, do you have a menu you work with or something?
I do have a menu but the menu keeps changing all the time. Eating the same things over and over again gets boring. Also, Biishville is all about food experiences so I make sure there’s something new and different on the menu all the time. I also take advantage of seasonal foods.
You organize private dinners and events from time to time. How’s that going, how was the previous one and when is the next one scheduled to take place?
Yes, I do pop ups, that’s one way of sharing my art with the world. My last event was successful. The menu was amazing, the theme was beautiful and the guests were amazing; not forgetting the ambience. The next biishville event will be in June.
How has it been like so far building a brand like Biishville and has there been any challenges?
It’s been amazing. I love the experience. I am doing what I love and that’s all that matters for me. The whole concept is passion driven. It hasn’t been easy, starting a business in this country is very difficult. My main challenges have been finding suitable locations and combining school work with running the business.
Mention 5 people you would love to cook for.
This is a difficult question haha. I have cooked for a lot of people and families. I’d like to cook for one of my inspirations, Chef Selassie of Midunu, as well as President Nana Akufo-Addo, Genevieve Nnaji, Jamie Oliver and Oprah.
What 5 things should everyone have in his or her kitchen?
It’s relative and depends on the individual; what I may require in my kitchen, another person may not. Generally, good knives will do for me because they ensure effectiveness.
Your advice for anyone who wants to become a chef?
My advice for anyone who wants to enter the food industry or become a chef is that passion and love for culinary arts must come first and then work hard. Hard work pays off.