Black beauty is what I was called my entire life, and my dark, flawless skin has always been a part of my identity. Throughout my teenage years, when my peers had acne, a mark of adolescence, I barely had any blemishes on my skin.
Then few months after my 24th birthday, waking up with a painful pimple on my cheek that resembled a grenade exploding in my face. I didn’t think much of it. Then the next day—the same thing happened. And then the next! By week three, my face began to break into some of the most painful acne pustules. It was an absolute horror.
As a nurse, I encountered many colleagues and patients who would read my face and tell me what worked for them and would work for me. Some did, others not so much, but none seemed to clear my skin without altering my complexion.
The last straw was when my sister compared my face to sweet-sop ! This experience birthed my passion for skin care for people of colour. I’ve long wanted to know what makes my skin different, and the truth is that little changes can lead to significant results. I want to be a part of your community and help you look better, feel better, and be more confident. I’ll share how to eliminate redness and uneven skin tone (with no products) without sacrificing your complexion.
- Washing your hands before washing your face: Your hands are a warm home for bacteria, mainly because our hands touch everything from your doorknobs to your seatbelts, which we will admit are not surfaces cleaned as often as they should. So, washing your hands will prevent the transfer of bacteria onto your skin, especially if you are acne prone.
2. Giving your skin a break: The human body can heal and regenerate itself, and your skin will regenerate itself approximately every 27 days. Products augment and put the skin into a state to heal and restore itself. So, giving your skin a break, particularly on a slow morning, will allow your skin to perform its innate function and, in turn, respond better to your products.
3. Trying too many products at a time: Keep it simple regarding skincare; remember we said the skin has every ability to heal itself? Yep. So, as a rule of thumb, I follow this simple routine. Wash your hands before you wash your face, of course. Cleanse, Tone, and Treat (this is specific to everyone’s skin concerns; it could be acne or hyperpigmentation). Moisturize and protect. And this will simplify your skin care regimen and give you your desired results.
4. Towels can never be germ-free. Your bathroom is a breeding ground for bacteria, so even a clean towel can quickly become contaminated. Simply swap out your towels for a disposable towel or tissue.
5. Cleaning your phone: Now, this is a big one because we place our phones on our faces multiple times a day, and we put these phones in our bags and pockets (let’s not even get started with how much bacteria can be in there), and on almost every tabletop and surface, we encounter. The solution will be to get little alcohol-based wipes and wipe down our phones as often as possible.
These are my fail-proof habits for anyone looking to care for their skin. Whether they are an acne-ridden teenager, a grown-up with adult acne and its accompanying black spots or a fabulous middle-aged woman looking to age like fine wine, these will give you the freedom you need to have healthy skin. Remember, skincare gifts are a perfect way to show yourself some self-love.
Written by: Ohenewa Asiedu