Just like Tom Ford said , dressing well is a form of good manners but we really do not need to splurge all our earnings on clothes and shoes  in this article we share with you five tips on looking good and still save money as a student .


DO NOT COMPROMISE ON QUALITY: The fact that we want to save money doesn’t mean we should compromise on quality, there is a lot of perks that comes with compromising on quality so we strongly advice you don’t compromise.

COMAPRE PRICES: Comparing prices is essential when it comes to shopping and saving, before you make purchases you need to price-comparisons. For instance you want to buy a suit, make enquiries from two or three designers amongst the three one will surely have a lesser price who at the end of the day will give you a quality suit.

SET A BUDGET AND BE DISCIPLINE: Just like having a budget for everything you do, you should also have a budget for your clothes and shoes but having a budget is really essential and it makes you stay in your lane as side having a budget you need to be discipline or else you will spend more than you’ve budgeted which might affect other areas as well.

TOSS OUT YOUR WARDROBE: You could make quite an amount by tossing out your wardrobe and sell the clothes and shoes you no longer need or are now small in size for a less cheaper price or even more depending on the current state of the item and you can decide to save or shop with it.

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